LAUDATO SI - workshops PZC '20 - Bydgoszcz

Why a Christian should be concerned with ecology and the impact of projects in promoting the Pope encyclica Laudato Si. We raised these and other issues at workshops organized for the Caritas Parish Teams. These and other questions were answered by Pope Francis in the socio-ecological encyclica "Laudato Si".

Caritas of the Bydgoszcz Diocese (as the 12th diocese) joined the nationwide Caritas Polska project "Integral ecology of the Laudato si encyclical in the activities of Caritas communities and local communities".

The workshops that took place in the hospitable thresholds of the Major Seminary in Bydgoszcz. Due to the coronovirus, a limited number of applicants reached them, also from outside Bydgoszcz.

The participation and support of the national animator of the project Frier Cordian, Dominika Chylewska a Caritas Polska External Communication Specialist, and an expert lecture by MSc. Karol Dąbrowski introducing the scientific aspect of environmental and climate protection.

4 winning teams that will present the most interesting projects aimed at improving the broadly understood ecological aspect in their local environment will receive grants in the amount of 12.500 PLN.

It was not easy, because the questions asked were difficult, but also the bar was set high and thanks to this, I sincerely hope that the submitted ideas will be of high quality, while responding to the needs and problems of local communities.


Finally, I would like to thank the director of Caritas of the Bydgoszcz Diocese, Father Prelate Wojciech Przybyła and both Agnieszka's from Caritas of the Bydgoszcz Diocese for help and great support in organizing these workshops.


The project "Integral ecology of the encyclical Laudato si' in the operation of Caritas communities and local communities", implemented by Caritas Polska, has been co-financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Caritas Polska is solely responsible for its content.

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