We "jump" around Poland here and there ... This time we were in Wałbrzych and it was already our 21st city, which we visited with our action REFLECTIVEs DON'T SUCK.
This is the first bus in the Świętokrzyskie Province, but it is also a small jubilee for us, because it is a total of the 20th city in which we convince you that REFLECTIVES DON'T SUCKS.
23-rd bus and 19-th city. This time in Świdnica during the Car Free Day we presented another "reflective" bus as part of our action "Reflectives don't suck".
This time, the action REFLECTIVES DON'T SUCKS went to Siedlce. And this is already the 18th city in which, together with local institutions and companies, we promote the wearing of reflectives.
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