
CARITAS BYDGOSZCZ - Godness day - Bydgoszcz / Poland

CARITAS BYDGOSZCZ - Godness day - Bydgoszcz / Poland
Inflatables, cotton candy, art and technical workshops, horse riding and us, our bike-mixer.  
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CARREFOUR FORDON - weekend for the earth - Bydgoszcz / Poland

CARREFOUR FORDON - weekend for the earth - Bydgoszcz / Poland
Do you want to plant your own plant or make a cocktail with unique bike? Such things at Carrefour Fordon.
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EASTER 2023 - sweets and food collection - Bydgoszcz / Poland

EASTER 2023 - sweets and food collection - Bydgoszcz / Poland
Despite the increasingly difficult situation of many families, we can still count on your support and generosity.  
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HOTEL JANTAR WELLNESS & SPA - sea eco workshops - Ustka

HOTEL JANTAR WELLNESS & SPA - sea eco workshops - Ustka
What we find on the beach can be turned into a unique souvenir from the seaside.  
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CHRISTMAS 2022 - sweets and food collection - Bydgoszcz / Poland

CHRISTMAS 2022 - sweets and food collection - Bydgoszcz / Poland
Despite difficult times, as the classic said, "the spirit in the nation does not fade".  
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BYDGOSZCZ CHRISTMAS FAIR - "waste" stand - Bydgoszcz / Poland

What can be done with various waste and unwanted items? Those who visited our stand could see for themselves.  
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CARREFOUR FORDON - Christmas cork trees - Bydgoszcz / Poland

CARREFOUR FORDON - Christmas cork trees - Bydgoszcz / Poland
Not all garbage should be thrown away. You can make something special out of some of them.  
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HOTEL JANTAR WELLNESS & SPA - Christmas workshops - Ustka / Poland

HOTEL JANTAR WELLNESS & SPA - Christmas workshops - Ustka / Poland
What to do with used wine corks? For example, a hand-decorated Christmas tree.  
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HOTEL JANTAR WELLNESS & SPA - what threw the sea - Ustka / Poland

HOTEL JANTAR WELLNESS & SPA - what threw the sea - Ustka / Poland
While walking on the beach, we can come across the "treasures" thrown by the sea. Is it just rubbish or can it still be used?
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